Experience Drumming!
The PMC is again offering support to percussive arts facilitators and local partners who wish to present community-based interactive drumming events.
Playdrums.com’s Experience Drumming!, the flagship learning initiative of the Percussion Marketing Council, offers experiential and interactive drumming events for groups of all ages and abilities across the United States. Please note that interested facilitators and venues must complete a new application each year to receive funding and in-kind support from the PMC.
As the official trade association of the percussion industry, the Percussion Marketing Council, through its PlayDrums.com website, connects the activities of our corporate members, nonprofit partners, and the global percussion community.
Who presents Experience Drumming! events?
Innovative percussive arts leaders bring in-person and video-based experiential drum education events to people wherever they gather to learn and grow.
Where do events take place?
Events are co-sponsored with interested schools, after-school programs, college campuses, libraries, senior centers and more.
Learn how PlayDrums.com grant recipient Dancing Drums brings DrumSafe into schools.
Who sponsors events?
Funding to reinvigorate and expand the program into existing and new communities and with additional videos comes through a grant to the Percussion Marketing Council from the NAMM Foundation.
Members of the Percussion Marketing Council (PMC) supply support and materials to ensure a successful learning event. Program funding awards average $250 per approved event. Fees for percussive arts leaders are offset by the NAMM Foundation grant and occasionally through co-sponsorships secured at the local level.
When is this program available?
Expansion efforts are underway. We are actively recruiting new facilitators and co-sponsor relationships to begin presenting more events in early 2023.
How do I get involved?
Interested percussive arts leaders, music educators, school principals, music retailers, community and senior center directors, and others are invited to apply for funding to support your program today!
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and applicants will be notified by email of their acceptance to the program.