May Is International Drum Month

Percussion Marketing Council will celebrate
International Drum Month with an expanded
consumer-focused Drum Lesson with a Pro giveaway
and added music retailer connection.


Winners from across the country will receive a free one-hour personalized lesson with a nationally recognized artist.

In addition to the virtual Zoom lesson with a master drummer, this year will give each winner $200 to spend at their local music store for new gear or drum lessons.

2024 instructors include:

  • Todd Sucherman

  • Sheri Maricle

  • Mike Mangini

  • Jason Gianni


The special “Drum Lesson with a Master Drummer” giveaway is open through May 31st to anyone 14 years of age and older who’s been playing drums for a minimum of one year.


Retailers interested in partnering with the Percussion Marketing Council, click here.